Wednesday 17 June 2015

Possessed: A True Story

The following is based on true events, as encountered by Abang Man, a member of Destinasi Kebenaran. He is also a healer with 20 years' experience. May his efforts in healing those in need of spiritual help be rewarded with abundance by the greatest Creator of all. Amin.


(Original account by Abang Man, translated into English by me)

"Not too long ago, I received a call to help a man who had been possessed. On arriving at the patient's residence, I saw that many of the man's relatives were already there. After talking to them and asking a few questions, I asked to see the patient, who was in the bedroom.

As I made my way to the bedroom, I was stopped by the patient's mother, who called me over to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, she asked, "How much is your payment?", to which I countered, "Makcik, why are you asking about payment?". She then explained that prior to my arrival, they had seeked help from four other spiritual healers. The first healer had requested $10,000 for payment. The second had asked for $8,000, the third, $6,000, and the fourth, $3,000. I was the fifth. To her question, I responded, "Makcik, I'm not here for the money, and if God wills, I will help you heal your son". Hearing this, she agreed to allow me to proceed.

As I arrived at the door to the bedroom where the patient was, I was shocked to see the state that he was in. The patient had both legs and arms bent, postured like a frog, and mouth that could not say anything except, "Auuungg... auuungg..". I supplicated silently and wondered, "Ya Allah, what is wrong with this servant of yours?"

I began my healing session with a process called 'scanning' to find out what had happened. What I saw was that the patient had gone fishing with his friends and relatives. However, during fishing, the patient's fishing bait had gotten stuck in between some corals. To free his line, he had forcefully tugged on his equipment, and took a step back for balance. While doing so, he had unintentionally stepped on a frog. Annoyed with its presence, the patient had cussed the frog and kicked it away. After which, he continued fishing. However, upon reaching home, he had collapsed and fell chronically ill.

I continued with the 'scanning', wondering why one simple incident with a frog would cause the patient such an extent of illness. It was then it came to me that the unfortunate frog that the patient had stepped on and cussed, was the beloved animal of an otherwordly Princess of the sea that they had gone fishing in. Therefore I tried to spiritually reach the mentioned Princess, to request that she remove the illness that she had cast over the patient.

She replied, "As long as my pet frog is not healed, the patient will suffer". I urged her to forgive the patient for his actions towards the frog. After much negotiation, she finally agreed, with (undisclosed) conditions. I proceeded to accede to her given conditions and with God's grace, the patiently immediately rose from bed and announced, "I'm hungry". To this, I asked him, "What's your name, and what's your mother's name?". He responded correctly, in a weak voice. The patient's brother and I then helped him to the living area, where he was given food, as he had not ingested any food for close to a month. In the period he had been ill, he had only consumed milk for sustenance.

A few of the patient's relatives asked me, "What happened? What had happened to him and what had caused him to be possessed?". To which I replied that it does not matter, and what matters is that the patient is healed and well. It is all in God's plans.

I then informed only the patient's mother of what had actually happened. With praises to Allah, the patient has now fully healed and does not go fishing anymore.

The moral of this story is:
1. Be careful what you say - do not be a loose canon.
2. Money is not, and cannot get you everything.

Allah commands, and it is.
Kun fa ya kun."

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