Tuesday 12 May 2015

I Had a Dream

Backed up against a corner, by a semi-circle of men in black suits. I could tell what was gonna happen, even though it was a dream. Then Specimen A, you came, and spoke words to me that I now dont remember. You spoke them as you stood facing me, and then you went on one knee.

Everyone was watching. I was so happy, in my dream. And then came a female, to relay a message -- that my father did not approve, he thought you were defective. You start to walk away, and my emotions took a 180° turn. I cried and clung on to you because obviously, I didnt want you to leave.

Now I'm awake, I cant even decipher who you are. But more than anything, it has left me perplexed. It was not about the crowd, or the concept of a proposal, it was not about Specimen A, or parental disapproval.

What has left me floored is how easy it is for anyone to walk away. Like how easy it has been for me to walk away from things, situations and people. It may be part choice, but more often than not, it is a decision made so as to avoid being hurt.

Because we know, being hurt sucks.

I understand now. I understand that is not all about ego, because sometimes it's part self-preservation, part self-defence.

And why do living things mate? To maintain a succession in a world where only the strongest survive.

As for the people like me? I guess the Universe thinks that it is unnecessary for our DNA to persist beyond our existence.

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